Meet Rising Artist Bsrwashere


Artist of the week: bsrwashere

With a melodic emo-rap sound, you can’t miss out on this rising talent as he releases banger after banger. Speaking of releases, BSR kicks off summer with his new single B4D3ATH.

In a recent interview BSR explained the reason why he wrote this track: “This song is based on a Japanese Myth of “Sanpaku Eyes” which basically states that people who have an unusual amount of sclera (white part of the eye) visible below the iris, are destined to die young. So this song is basically me talking about all the things I wanna do and achieve B4D3ATH (before death).”

While listening to the track you can tell the passion and soul BSR puts into the microphone and you can relate his sound to one of the greats, Juice World (RIP). As Juice is a huge inspiration for BSR, the beat choice must be immaculate, which it is and plays a huge track in complimenting BSR’s voice.

To conclude, this is one of BSR’s best tracks yet, not only in memorability but also in production and the range of harmonies and background vocals he’s experimenting with. In the future, he hopes to create an anime music video and maybe put out a remix challenge!?

Don’t miss out on what’s next to come from BSR, connect with him here:

Want to get your music on the radio? Check out RAP VILLE, a new online tool for musicians allowing you to finally be heard on a range of radio stations around the world. Launching soon, join the early bird waitlist below!

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